Hope and JAW Grips
My shoulders are sore after today's WOD. I managed to RX the weight which is not too heavy. I'm still getting used to the snatch and the lighter weight was great for working on form and technique. Need to focus on opening up my hips and my shrug. I noticed I'm getting a lot better at my pull ups. I'm starting to string together almost ten pull ups before my grip gives out.
JAW hand grips are amazing. I use them for almost every WOD that has bar work. I haven't had a single tear since. I just add some chalk to these bad boys and away I go. They do not need to be broken in which is a plus over gymnastics grips. If you're having trouble with hand tearing, try these out. I hate missing a day or two because my hands are torn and now I may not miss another day. I picked these up from Wodshop.com check them out here.
Let me know if you have any questions, leave a comment at the bottom.