My Week As Rx (Probably Scaled): January 1 - January 7
Power Snatch - Find your 1RM
My last power snatch and snatch PR was at 172 lb. (78 kg). After not training snatches, I wanted to at least reach that weight if not hit a new PR. I warmed up with about three singles at each weight interval. I focused on form and movement throughout all the positions. As the weight got heavier, I took longer rests between sets.
I was able to complete 60 kg and 65 kg fairly easily. Once I reached 70 kg, it started to get challenging. I had to squat a little lower at this weight as I tried not to "starfish". At 75 kg, I was able to complete two singles, then I attempted 80 kg. I missed my first attempt. I was able to get the weight overhead but I caught it too far forward. I made some mental adjustments and went for the next rep. I was able to get under the bar but I landed in a "starfish". I also had a slight press out. I decided to stop there since my form was starting to deteriorate but I at least have a new training pr!
WOD - AMRAP, 9 Minutes
10 Dumbbell Snatch, Alternating (50 lb.)
Run (100 m)
After speaking to a few members in the previous class, I decided to shoot for eight rounds. The average was about seven to nine rounds and I was shooting for the middle. I was going to try and keep my pace to one round a minute and try to hold on until the end. The dumbbell weight shouldn't be a problem, I've done dumbbell snatches before at that weight. The run would probably be a bit difficult but it was short.
At the start of the workout, everything went smooth. The dumbbell snatches were not giving me a problem and the run was okay. I was able to keep my pace until the fifth round. The dumbbell snatches were a little slower than previous rounds, and my run was slower as well. I could feel my lower back tightening up, which means my running form was not good. I powered though it and was only able to finish seven rounds and 80 meters on the run. I was 20 meters short of my goal! I was happy with the result since I pushed as hard as I could.
Lift Heavy and Level Up!
At the start of the workout, everything went smooth. The dumbbell snatches were not giving me a problem and the run was okay. I was able to keep my pace until the fifth round. The dumbbell snatches were a little slower than previous rounds, and my run was slower as well. I could feel my lower back tightening up, which means my running form was not good. I powered though it and was only able to finish seven rounds and 80 meters on the run. I was 20 meters short of my goal! I was happy with the result since I pushed as hard as I could.
Lift Heavy and Level Up!