NerdFit Guam

Lift Heavy and Level Up!

My Week As RX (Probably Scaled): November 23 - November 29


Power Snatch + Snatch Grip Push Press + Overhead Squat 

Worked up to a two rep max of 135 lb. which is about 70% of my 1 rep max of overhead squat.  The power snatch felt good as well as the push press. My overhead squat needs some work. I need to control my decent and stay tight throughout the movement. The weight didn't feel to heavy and I felt like I could have went heavier but I wanted to stay within the percentages on the board.


10 minute AMRAP:

30 double unders
15 power snatches (75 lb.)

This is the a repeat of the CrossFit Games Open workout 11.1/14.1. This was my first time attempting this workout and it was rough. The double unders were not too bad but the snatches were difficult. I had to break up the snatches into sets of two. The skill work definitely played a role but I powered through it. Managed to finish four rounds. Finished the night with 60 second weighted planks. I used a 35 lb. plate.


Gymnastics Skill Work

Worked on handstand skill work. I started with a handstand walk drill. I used a 24 inch box as an anchor point and did two 360 degree rotations around the box. I did this for three sets. I made some improvements over last week, finishing both rotations before stopping. Last week I had to take a break in between rotations. I also did some ring work. I worked on my lock out position on dips and ring push ups. 

WOD - Partner Workout, 30 Minute Time Cap

For time

100 bench press (135 lb.)
3 rounds
1,000 m row
30 handstand push ups
1,000 m run

My main goal for this workout was to finish under time cap, but we didn't. We finished two rounds and halfway through the row on the third round. This was a great workout but it was harder than expected. I wasn't sure if I could complete all of the bench press reps at 135 lb. but my partner pushed me to finish. We decided to do it in sets of ten and then finish with sets of five. The rest of the workout was split evenly except the run. The row was split into 500 m the first round and the second round was 250 m. The run was done in 200 m intervals and I ended up doing 600 m total each round. I didn't do well in the run. I kept a slow pace because I was tired. The row and handstand push ups took a lot out of me and I didn't recover fast enough. Hopefully, I will do better next time.


Overhead Squat 3 Rep Max

I hit a new PR during this session. I was able to lift 195 lb. which is a 20 lb. increase. I think I could have went a bit heavier but the time ran out. My current 1 rm is 205 lb. and I can't wait to retest it. With all the heavy overhead work, I want to max my snatch and clean and jerk.

WOD - Fight Gone Bad

3 rounds, 1 minute per station

Wall Balls (20 lb.)
Sumo deadlift high pull (75 lb.)
Box jump (20 in.)
Push press (75 lb.)
Row, cals
Rest 1 minute

My goal for this workout was to be consistent in all the movements. I also wanted to do better than the last time I did this workout. I wanted to at least complete 80 reps each round as well. The first round wasn't great. I ended up completing 70 reps; short of my goal. The movements that slowed me down were the sumo deadlift highpull (sdhp) and the push press. I felt off balance during the sdhp, mostly because of my inexperience with the movement. My pull was not balanced and one side tilted  during each rep. The second and third round were better however. I was able to find a rhythm but I was too fatigued to do more reps. The push press felt heavy. I'm not sure if it was because of all the reps from the wall balls or the overhead squats. I was only able to finish about 10 to 15 reps each round.

My reps per round were 70, 71 and 69. I was able to stay consistent but I was hoping for more reps. On the bright side, I PR'd this workout by one rep.

Lift Heavy and Level Up!

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Hello, my name is Nick and I'm from Guam. I'm an avid gamer and functional fitness exerciser. I'm not great at either but I do my best. I would describe myself as a huge nerd since I love most things you would find in typical nerd culture. I started doing CrossFit at CrossFit Gof Metgot in 2013 as a way to get my weight under control. I decided to change my exercise habits to lose that excess weight and be more fit. Hopefully my story inspires people to try out CrossFit.


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