My Week As Rx (Probably Scaled): May 2 - May 8
Power Snatch - EMOM For 9 Minutes at 75% (115 lb.)
After a few days of rest and recovery, I was ready to start the week strong. I did some warm up drills and some mobility before I started this EMOM. The workout as a whole wasn't too bad. The weight wasn't too heavy and helped me focus on form. It was only nine reps which wasn't too bad.
Strict Press - 8x4 at 70% (115 lb.)
Coming straight off the snatches, I started on the strict press. Thankfully the sets were short with only four reps. The workout didn't last too long however. I would take a max of two minutes in between. I worked on my lock out and re racking the bar on my shoulders before the next rep.
Back Squat - Find A Heavy Two Rep
Same workout as last week without a percentage to guide us. I wanted to lift a heavier weight than last week (315 lb.), it would depend on how I feel during the warm up. The warm up went well and I worked my way up to 305 lb. before deciding on a weight.
Partner WOD - AMRAP 20 Minutes
15 burpees
20 overhead squats (115 lb.)
30 ab-mat sit ups
Run 100 m
This workout looks like a lot of fun. The overhead squats would be an issue but I'm sure I'll be able to power through it. Each person must run 100 m which I hope wouldn't be an issue. We decided to break up the workout evenly. The burpees would be done in fives and then the next round we would switch the order. The overhead squats were split into fives and the ab-mat sit ups were split in half.
The burpees started out great, breaking them up into fives helped recovery. The overhead squats were easier than I though. It took me two rounds to warm up. During the breaks I would rest the bar on my back instead of dropping it. This way I wouldn't have to power snatch it again. I had a difficult time during the last round since the bar and my hands were a bit moist from sweat. I didn't want to run and chalk up so I gripped it a bit harder and held on. The sit ups were not too bad and the run was quick and short. We finished with six rounds completed.
Front Squat - Find A Heavy Two Rep
Another heavy squat day. I'm gaining confidence in my front squat and it feels great. I warmed up to 235 lb. before starting my heavy set. I loaded 265 lb. on the bar and started my set. The reps were challenging but I was able to complete them without help. I went up to 285 lb. but I was only able to complete one rep.
Power Snatch - 6x1 at 85% (135 lb.)
My snatch is getting better and I can feel the difference. I treated this like an EMOM and finished it in six minutes.
Clean and Jerk Complex - 4x1 2 Power Clean + Jerk at 85% (185 lb.)
This workout was fun and challenging. I'm not used to jerks at this weight but I knew I could get it done. The whole workout was great and I finally feel more confident doing jerks. I need to do a few more heavy reps to get the hang of it.
Deficit Snatch Deadlift - 3x3 at 90% (145 lb.)
I haven't done this in months. Thankfully I had a coach nearby to teach me. These were easy enough. It's a light weight for me so I focused on form.
WOD - For Time
20 pistols
10 deficit handstand push ups
5 bar muscle ups
18 pistols
8 deficit handstand push ups
4 bar muscle ups
16 pistols
6 deficit handstand push ups
3 bar muslce ups
14 pistols
4 deficit handstand push ups
2 bar muscle ups
12 pistols
2 deficit handstand push ups
1 bar muscle up
I wasn't sure if I wanted to throw in a WOD after training but I wanted to do some muscle ups. I used a 45 lb. plate for my deficit. The workout was tough but I had fun. I knew the pistols were going to be tough. I didn't realize it would be that bad. The front squats killed my legs. The deficit handstand push ups went well. It wasn't a huge deficit but I can tell I'm getting stronger. On the bar muscle ups, I was able to string a few together. I haven't done it before so it was a small victory for me. I had to take short breaks but it wasn't an issue. I finished the workout at 14:34.
Deadlift - 5 at 55%, 5 at 60%, 3 at 65%, 5 at 75%, 5 at 85%
I haven't done deadlifts in a few weeks so I was eager to see how well I would perform. The lifts started to feel heavy around 75%. I was able to finish the reps but it was challenging. At 85% I had to break up the reps into 2-1-2. I would take 30 seconds in between reps. I need to do more deadlifts.
WOD - AMRAP 7 Minutes
WOD - AMRAP 7 Minutes
15 power cleans (95 lb.)
30 double unders
After a few days of heavy power cleans, I was confident I could finish a lot of rounds in this workout. I didn't think I would have problems with the double unders either. The first round was quick. I did 10 reps of cleans and finished with five reps. The 30 double unders were done unbroken. The following rounds were a lot slower. I over estimated my ability to handle the cleans. I had to break up the reps into sets of five. I was messing up the double unders, only finishing 10-15 reps at a time. After the second round I was drained. I managed to finish a third round but barely. My total rounds for this workout were 3 + 5 cleans.
Strict Press - 10x3 at 75% (125 lb.)
This took awhile. I didn't want to rush the rest so I took a minute or two between sets. The weight was heavy but I was able to get through the reps. 125 lb. used to feel a lot heavier, that must mean I'm getting stronger!
Clean Complex - 3x3 at 70% (155 lb.)
Halting clean deadlift + hang power clean + front squat
This was a fun complex. The last time I did pause cleans was back at the old gym which was more than five months ago. I took a long warm up to get used to the pause and make sure I had correct form. The complex was different, it was fun and I would want to do it again.
Three Position Power Snatch - Find A 1 Rep Heavy
My snatch still needs some work but this wasn't too bad. I hit a PR with a power snatch at 145 lb. but I wasn't able to hit all three positions. I was able to get the ground and the hang snatch at 145 lb. but not the power position.
My snatch still needs some work but this wasn't too bad. I hit a PR with a power snatch at 145 lb. but I wasn't able to hit all three positions. I was able to get the ground and the hang snatch at 145 lb. but not the power position.
Push Press/Overhead Squat - 5x1 at 70% (145 lb.)
5 behind the neck push press + 3 overhead squats
I used my overhead squat 1RM instead of my snatch 1RM. I was wondering why this was so heavy! The hardest part of this workout was lowering the bar onto my back after the third rep. I had to be extremely careful since I didn't want it to land on my spine. Surprisingly, the overhead squats were not too bad. The weight was okay but it irritated my writs a bit. The wrist wrap did help to stabilize but it wasn't enough to take the pain away.
Jerk - Find A 1 Rep Heavy
I haven't maxed my jerk in awhile mainly because my clean hasn't gone up by much. It was also my first time doing jerks from the blocks. It took a few reps to get used to the blocks and trusting my feet to not hit them. I was able to PR my jerk by 1 lb. and 5 lb. I missed at 226 lb. but I'm okay with it. My PR is not a huge leap but I'll take it. I would like to hit a 225 lb. clean and jerk soon. I think I'm on the right track. I posted a video below of my jerk PR's and my miss.
I haven't maxed my jerk in awhile mainly because my clean hasn't gone up by much. It was also my first time doing jerks from the blocks. It took a few reps to get used to the blocks and trusting my feet to not hit them. I was able to PR my jerk by 1 lb. and 5 lb. I missed at 226 lb. but I'm okay with it. My PR is not a huge leap but I'll take it. I would like to hit a 225 lb. clean and jerk soon. I think I'm on the right track. I posted a video below of my jerk PR's and my miss.
Back Squat - Find A 2 Rep Heavy
My main goal for this was to at least hit 90% like last week. Surprisingly, my 90% wasn't that bad. I didn't need a spot and I was able to get out of the bottom fairly quickly. I might want to max my squat soon. I was able to lift 325 lb. for two reps.
Death By - Burpee Box Jump
This was an interesting one. I don't like burpees, I'm slow at box jumps but I was excited to do this workout. The first seven minutes went well and I was keeping a good pace but then I hit a wall at the eighth minute. I was barely able to complete the eight reps under a minute and I was only able to finish seven in the ninth round. I did better than what I thought I was going to do. It was a small victory for me.
Lift Heavy and Level Up!
This was an interesting one. I don't like burpees, I'm slow at box jumps but I was excited to do this workout. The first seven minutes went well and I was keeping a good pace but then I hit a wall at the eighth minute. I was barely able to complete the eight reps under a minute and I was only able to finish seven in the ninth round. I did better than what I thought I was going to do. It was a small victory for me.
Lift Heavy and Level Up!
Hello, my name is Nick and I'm from Guam. I'm an avid gamer and functional fitness exerciser. I'm not great at either but I do my best. I would describe myself as a huge nerd since I love most things you would find in typical nerd culture. I started doing CrossFit at CrossFit Gof Metgot in 2013 as a way to get my weight under control. I decided to change my exercise habits to lose that excess weight and be more fit. Hopefully my story inspires people to try out CrossFit.
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