My Week as RX (Probably Scaled): August 17 - August 23
Started out with some mountain climbers, wall balls and lateral lunges to warm up our legs and hips before we started our strength portion for today.Front Squat - 5 at 60%, 5 at 70%, 3 at 80%, 3 at 85%, 3 at 90% (1RM is ≈ 295 lb.)
I haven't been doing front squats regularly and this was a challenge at 85% and 90%. I focused on getting my hips back and leading with my elbows. I hope more front squats are programmed down the line.
WOD (Partner) - AMRAP 25 minutes, 500m row, 40 Deadlifts, 30 HSPU, 20 Hang Power Cleans, 10 Muscle Ups. Every five minutes, 20 burpess
This was my dad's first day after the on ramp and I decided to do this partner WOD with him.We used the same weights instead of getting two barbells out and I also scaled the muscle ups. I wanted to keep a pace that my dad could keep up with. He did great, scaling the movements so that he was constantly moving. It was a great experience and I'm happy that he's getting some exercise.
Plank Holds - 3 rounds at 60 seconds each.
Used a 25 lb. plate and had a 30 second rest in between rounds.
Bench Press - 5 at 60%, 5 at 70%, 3 at 80%, 3 at 85%, 3 at 90% (1RM is 240 lb.)
Haven't done heavy bench presses in a while but these were not too bad. Went a bit lighter than the posted percentages but I was more focused on form than the weight.
WOD - AMRAP 7 minutes - 1 Front Squat at 135 lb., 2 Ring Dips. Add 1 rep to front squat and 2 reps to ring dips each round.
This WOD was difficult but I manged to make it up to the six front squat round. I decided to use a 135 lb. bar since it was close to my front squat 1RM and I would be able to speed through the front squats. I knew coming into this WOD that the ring dips were going to slow me down a lot. I'm not great with body weight movements and the bench press was taxing on the triceps. Also, my ring dip kip is not great which slowed me down. I need to work on more gymnastics.
Burpee onto Plate - For Time - 50 reps
My arms and chest were still recovering from previous workouts, making me hate the burpees that much more. Surprisingly I finished this in 4:53 which I'm happy with. I was shooting for sub four minutes but I have a goal to aim for next time.
Overhead Squat - 5 at 60%, 5 at 70%, 3 at 80%, 3 at 85%, 3 at 90% (1RM is ≈ 200 lb.)I hit a PR during this workout. My previous 3RM was 175 lb. and I managed to lift 180 lb. I can tell my form is improving, at heavier weights I have to fight for position but it's becoming easier. Hopefully I can set a new 1RM next week.
WOD - 4 x RFT 400m Run, 10 Power Snatch (75 lb.), 15 Box Jumps. Rest for 2 minutes after each round.
This WOD was fun and challenging. I decided to use a 75 lb. bar since I wanted to get through the snatches and box jumps as fast as possible. Managed to be consistent with my time and finished all rounds under 4:20.
Thruster 1RM
This was my first max thruster attempt. I was able to lift 205 lb. but it was difficult. I'm not sure if I could have went heavier.
WOD - 4x AMRAP 3 minutes - 6 Mountain Climbers, 9 Sit Ups, 12 Wall Balls (20 lb.). Rest 1 minute between each AMRAP.
My main goal was being consistent and I managed to finish at least two rounds every set. The wall balls were what slowed me down the most.
Lift Heavy and Level Up!
Hello, my name is Nick and I'm from Guam. I'm an avid gamer and functional fitness exerciser. I'm not great at either but I do my best. I would describe myself as a huge nerd since I love most things you would find in typical nerd culture. I started doing CrossFit at CrossFit Gof Metgot in 2013 as a way to get my weight under control. I decided to change my exercise habits to lose that excess weight and be more fit. Hopefully my story inspires people to try out CrossFit.
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