NerdFit Guam

Lift Heavy and Level Up!

Miniature Mondays: Princess (Finished)

Princess is Finished

After what feels like forever, I finally finished the Butcher mascot Princess. In my previous post, I wanted to paint Princess with a typical bull dog coat. I ran into a bunch of snags throughout the painting process. I realized I didn't prep the model as well as i could. I didn't cover the seams in the legs. It's noticeable from the pictures. I also couldn't get the white part of the coat to a color that I liked and I couldn't get brown part to a decent shade. Rather than strip the model I decided to salvage it. It's not my best work but I'll use this as a learning experience. It's good enough for table top. Check out the pictures below. 

Lift Heavy and Level Up!

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Hello, my name is Nick and I'm from Guam. I'm an avid gamer and functional fitness exerciser. I'm not great at either but I do my best. I would describe myself as a huge nerd since I love most things you would find in typical nerd culture. I started doing CrossFit at CrossFit Gof Metgot in 2013 as a way to get my weight under control. I decided to change my exercise habits to lose that excess weight and be more fit. Hopefully my story inspires people to try out CrossFit.


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